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PsykTrek 3 0 Компьютерная программа CD-ROM, 2009 г Издатель: Thomson Wadsworth; Разработчик: Thomson Wadsworth упаковка DigiPack Что делать, если программа не запускается? инфо 5402f.

Особенности продукта: Explore the main topics in introductory psychology through the extensive graphics, animations, photos, videos and narration in PsykTrek's 65 Interactive Learning Modules Take an actiаснхжve role in experimentation using 10 rich simulations of complex psychological phenomena Achieve new levels of understanding through the approximately 150 Concept Checks Gauge your mastery of the material by taking the printable quizzes that appear at the end of eacбвсэдh module Access any of the CD-ROM's videos easily and directly using the handy Video Selector Look up more than 800 important psychological terms in the multimedia glossary Новое в этой версии: Three New Modules: Forgetting, Attachment, and Conformity and Obedience Includes historical video footage of classic experiments All new multiple-choice tests and unit exams for further practice Critical thinking exercises test students' ability to apply what they have learned iбныэдn a practical context New historical video footage of classic experiments - including B F Skinner shaping of pigeons to play ping-pong, Albert Bandura's Bobo doll experiment, and footage from Stanley Milgram's legendary study of obedience Содержание диска: Interactive Learning Modules Unit 1: History & Methods Module 1a: Psychology's Timeline Module 1b: The Experimental Method Module 1c: Statistics: Central Tendency and Variability Module 1d: Statistics: Correlation Module 1e: Searching for Research Articles in Psychology Unit 2: Biological Bases of Behavior Module 2a: The Neuron and the Neural Impulse Module 2b: Synaptic Transmission Module 2c: Looking Inside the Brain: Research Methods Module 2d: The Hindbrain and the Midbrain Module 2e: The Forebrain: Subcortical Structures Module 2f: The Cerebral Cortex Module 2g: Right Brain/Left Brain Unit 3: Sensation & Perception Module 3a: Light and the Eye Module 3b: The Retina бсщнщModule 3c: Vision and the Brain Module 3d: Perception of Color Module 3e: Gestalt Psychology Module 3f: Depth Perception Module 3g: Visual Illusions Module 3h: The Sense of Hearing Unit 4: Consciousness Module 4a: Biological Rhythms Module 4b: Sleep Module 4c: Abused Drugs and Their Effects Module 4d: Drugs and Synaptic Transmission Unit 5: Learning Module 5a: Overview of Classical Conditioning Module 5b: Basic Processes in Classical Conditioning Module 5c: Overview of Operant Conditioning Module 5d: Schedules of Reinforcement Module 5e: Reinforcement and Punishment Module 5f: Avoidance and Escape Learning Unit 6: Memory Module 6a: Memory encoding Module 6b: Memory storage Module 6c: Physiology of memory Module 6d: Forgetting Unit 7: Cognition & Intelligence Module 7a: Types of Psychological Tests Module 7b: Key Concepts in Testing Module 7c: Understanding IQ Scores Module 7d: Heredity, Environment, and Intelligence бтррм Module 7e: Problem Solving Module 7f: Decision Making Unit 8: Motivation & Emotion Module 8a: Hunger Module 8b: Achievement Motivation Module 8c: Elements of Emotion Module 8d: Theories of Emotion Unit 9: Human Development Module 9a: Prenatal Development Module 9b: Erikson's Theory of Personality Development Module 9c: Piaget's Theory of Cognitive Development Module 9d: Kohlberg's Theory of Moral Development Module 9e: Attachment Unit 10: Personality Theory Module 10a: Freudian Theory Module 10b: Behavioral Theory Module 10c: Humanistic Theory Module 10d: Biological Theory Unit 11: Abnormal Behavior & Therapy Module 11a: Anxiety Disorders Module 11b: Mood Disorders Module 11c: Schizophrenic Disorders Module 11d: Insight Therapies Module 11e: Behavioral and Biomedical Therapies Module 11f: Types of Stress Module 11g: Responding to Stress Unit 12: Social Psychology Module 12a: Attribution Processes Module 12b: Thбтшшпeories of Love Module 12c: Attitude Change Module 12d: Prejudice Module 12e: Conformity and Obedience Simulations Simulation 1 Experimenting with the Stroop Test Simulation 2 Hemispheric Specialization Simulation 3 The Poggendorff Illusion Simulation 4 Shaping in Operant Conditioning Simulation 5 Memory Processes I Simulation 6 Memory Processes II Simulation 7 Problem Solving Simulation 8 Psychological Testing: Measuring Your Creativity Simulation 9 Clinical Diagnosis Simulation 10 Social Judgment Язык интерфейса: английский Системные требования для платформы Microsoft Windows: Windows 2000/XP/Vista; Pentium III; 128 Мб оперативной памяти (рекомендуется 256 Мб); Разрешение экрана 800х600 с глубиной цвета 16/24 бит; Звуковая карта; Internet Explorer; Соединение с Интернет; Устройство для чтения компакт-дисков; Клавиатура; Мышь Системные требования для платформы Apple Macintosh: Mac OS X 1026; Power Mac G3 500 МГц; 128 Мб опебтьщмративной памяти (рекомендуется 256 Мб); Разрешение экрана 800х600 с глубиной цвета 16/24 бит; Звуковая карта; Internet Explorer; Соединение с Интернет; Устройство для чтения компакт-дисков; Клавиатура; Мышь.

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