After eluding relentless assassination attempts by Prince Cel, her cousin and rival for the Faerie crown, Meredith Gentry, Los Angeles private eye, has a whole new set ot problems To become queen, she must beасмшвar a child before Cel can father one of his own But havoc lies on the horizon: People are dying in mysterious, frightening ways, and suddenly the very existence of the place known as Faerie is at grave risk So now, while Meredith enjoys the greatest pleasures of her бвсбгlife attempting to conceive a baby with the warriors of her royal guard, she must fend off an ancient evil that could destroy the very fabric of reality And that's just her day job… Формат: 14,5 см x 20 см Автор Лорел К Гамильтон Laurell K Hamilton Лорел К Гамильтон (до замужества - Лорел Клейн) родилась 19 февраля 1963 года в небольшом городке возле Ширли (штат Арканзас, США) Училась в христианском колледже "Мэрион" (Индиана), получила степени по английской литербныиэатуре и биологию Во время учебы .